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Landlords Insurance
At Philip Gibbs Insurance Brokers, we have expertise in providing tailored solutions for property landlords.
Whether that is a landlord with a portfolio of residential properties, one with mixed residential and commercial properties or one with exclusively commercial properties.
Our landlord policies can be tailored to individual requirements and are suitable for property owners, managing agents and professional advisers.
Features of our policies can include:
Property Owners Cover
Suitable for Property Owners requiring cover for:
- Material damage - including accidental damage and subsidence.
- Loss of rental income.
- Employers' Liability - including legal liability for damages and legal costs.
- Property Owners' Liability.
- Legal expenses for the eviction of squatters.
Legal Indemnity Cover
Indemnifies lenders, property owners and developers against third party claims arising from problems affecting the title use or development of land.
- Defective Title Indemnity.
- Leasehold Indemnity.
- Missing Beneficiary Indemnity.
- Restricted Covenant Indemnity.
- Planning and/or Building Regulation Indemnity.
Engineering Cover
- Engineering Inspection (inc. those required by statute).
- Engineering Insurance.
- Machinery Breakdown Cover.
- Electrical Wiring Inspection Programme.
- Contract Works (Construction).
- Constructor's Works (Construction).
- Computers.
- Cyber Insurance
Get a free quote - Either call on 023 9267 1133 or email info@pgib.co.uk